Aerospace and Military SPOC’s






This document establishes the special purchase order quality requirements, Special Purchase Order Clauses (SPOC), which are applicable to the extent specified in the procurement document.


Buyer: (Thermal Electronic, Inc.) Procurement entity.

Seller: The legal entity that is the constructing party with Buyer with respect to the procurement department.

Procurement Document: The purchase order or subcontract between the parties.

Item: The product or service contracted for by the procurement document.

Purchase Order Quality Requirements

The following SPOC’s are a requirement of the procurement document when expressly specified by clause number. 

Q1. Generic Quality Assurance Requirements:
BUYER’S SURVEILLANCE, reserves the right of the buyer to inspect all items on this order at the Supplier’s facility. Buyer’s Supplier Quality Representative (SQRs) may elect to conduct inspection either on a basis or 100 percent inspection. Buyer will notify Seller in advance of the shipping date if such inspection is required.
CHANGES will not be adopted by the Seller that alters the specifications by verbal instruction or red-lined drawings, unless authorized by advanced written notice by Buyers Purchasing Department.
REPORT OF DISCREPANCY, including all departures from the drawings and specifications applicable to this PO must be reported to the Buyer’s Purchasing Department for authorization prior to shipment. Failure to comply may result in rejection of the shipment and will reflect in the Suppliers quality rating.
RESUBMITTED MATERIAL, presented after prior rejection, shall have the Buyer’s debit memo number referenced on the material shipper.
PROCESS/ SUPPLIER/ MANUFACTURING FACILITY CHANGES, Buyer shall be notified of all such changes and approval shall be granted by the Buyer where required.
SUPPLY CHAIN FLOW DOWN, all applicable requirements including customer requirements on this PO shall be flowed down by the Seller to their Suppliers (Sub-tiers). Thermal Electronics’ management staff, customers and regulatory authorities shall have right of access to the applicable areas of all the seller’s facilities, at any level of the supply chain, involved in the order and to all applicable records.
Q2. Quality Clauses Required When Invoked By Purchase Order:

SPOC-2 – INSPECTION SYSTEM shall be provided and maintained by supplier that complies with MIL-I-45208A, “Inspection System Requirements”.

SPOC-3 – QUALITY PROGRAM shall be provided and maintained by supplier that complies with MIL-Q-9858, ISO9001 or AS9100, “Quality Program Requirements”.

SPOC-4 – SUPPLIER QUALITY SYSTEM IN COMPLIANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS shall be provided and maintained by Seller that assures adequate product conformance and ensures appropriate objective evidence to meet usual business responsibilities.

SPOC-5 – CALIBRATION SYSTEM shall be provided and maintained by Seller that complies with MIL-STD-45662-A, “Calibration System Requirements”. Seller’s calibration system will ensure the control and accuracy of the measuring and test equipment used to assure that supplies and services presented to the Buyer for acceptance are in conformance with prescribed technical requirements.

SPOC-6 – RECORD RETENTION and maintenance of records, which include but are not limited to evidence of inspection, certification and test data called for by this contract is required of the Seller. Records shall be on file and available to the Buyer as follows:

Records in support ofMinimum Retention Period
Non-traceable, non-serialized parts15 years
Traceable parts as identified on the customer drawing or purchase orderIndefinitely
Serialized parts as identified on the customer drawing or purchase orderIndefinitely
Critical parts as identified on the customer drawingIndefinitely
Distributor standard off the shelf product10 years

At any time during the retention period, at Buyer’s request, Seller will deliver said records, or any part thereof, to Buyer at no additional cost to Buyer.

SPOC-7 – THERMAL ELECTRONICS DELIVERY WINDOW TEI delivery window is days early, days late. Prior to the due date, the supplier shall notify TEI Purchasing of any shipments that will fall outside this window. In cases of early shipments, the supplier shall notify TEI Purchasing for authorization prior to shipping. Product/Material received more than 7 days prior to the due date may be returned to the supplier at their expense. Product/material received after the negotiated due date will be considered delinquent and will be reflected in the supplier’s performance rating. All due dates are calculated as ON DOCK DATES”.

SPOC-8 – DATE CODE TRACEABILITY (ELECTRONIC COMPONENT) of each electronic final assembly or part shall be furnished by the seller and shall be identified by date code. Identification shall be per MIL-STD-130 or mutually agreed upon applicable specification. Age of the item cannot be greater than twenty-four (24) months older than the date of the Purchase Order, unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order. Prior to shipment, the supplier must contact the buyer on all electronic parts and components that exhibit date codes exceeding twenty-four (24) months and request a waiver on this requirement. The buyer will contact QA and if approved place a PO change showing a waiver has been granted by TEI.

SPOC-9 – IDENTIFICATION OF LIMITED-CALENDAR-LIFE (LCL) MATERIAL is the responsibility of the Seller. Identification of each item, package or container of LCL material with the manufacture date, storage temperature, storage expiration, maximum allowable out-time above storage requirement and special handling conditions shall be affixed or attached to the item or container in addition to name, part or code number, specification number, type, size, quantity, etc. the identification, including special handling conditions shall be recorded on legible, reproducible certifications and shipping documents for the material. A minimum of 80% of the shelf life must remain at the time of receipt by TEI. Prior to shipment, the supplier must contact the buyer on all limited calendar life material that exhibit a shelf life of less than 80% and request a waiver on this requirement

SPOC-10 – CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE is required of the Seller to warrant and to represent that all items, parts, components, assemblies, and/or materials delivered under this Purchase Order are of new manufacture and meet or exceed all specifications and requirements contained in this Purchase Order or referenced documents. Certificates must include the Seller’s name, address, date and be signed by an authorized member of the seller’s Quality assurance staff or a duly authorized member of the Seller’s management organization. The certification shall be traceable to the Purchase Order Number, Part Number & Revision listed on the Purchase Order, Purchase Order requirements, materials used, and services performed.

SPOC-11 – SHIPMENT OF NON-CONFORMING OR SUSPECT COUNTERFEIT MATERIAL OR SUPPLIES shall not be knowingly submitted by seller to Buyer. The Seller shall manufacture items, parts or material on this Purchase Order in strict compliance to drawings, specifications, and Purchase Order requirements. Items, materials or parts which do not conform to all drawings, specifications and Purchase Order requirements may be submitted only by written authorization from the Buyer. The supplier shall promptly notify buyer when it is discovered that nonconforming or suspect counterfeit product has been shipped. The notification shall include part numbers, traceability (lot, serial, and manufacturer numbers), ship dates, quantities, purchase order number, and a description of the nonconformance or suspect counterfeit material or supplies. This applies to any nonconformance that departs from drawing, specifications, aftermarket maintenance technical data or purchase order requirements.

SPOC-12 – PACKAGING AND SHIPMENT by Seller shall be accomplished in accordance with the following:

This Purchase Order requires levels and methods of packaging and preservation that will assure safe arrival at destination in accordance with good commercial practices, unless special packaging and shipping instructions are specified in this Purchase Order. Damaged articles received at Buyer’s facility will be rejected by Buyer at Seller’s responsibility.

SPOC-13 – FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION shall be performed by the Seller on the first item produced on this Purchase Order, prior to further fabrication, assembly or processing. If the first item submitted fails to meet inspection acceptance requirements, a new first item shall be submitted for approval, until an acceptable first article has been approved. First Article acceptance shall be based on conformance to the requirements of the drawings, specifications and/ or purchase documents as applicable. Acceptance of first article shall not imply acceptance of all subsequent items. Submission of the first article shall be accompanied by the applicable physical data determined by the Seller, and the tool identification numbers used to produce the item. In the case where more than one tool, mold or die is used to produce an item, a first article from each tool, die or mold shall be submitted for approval. First Article items shall be bagged and tagged/ identified separately as ‘First Article’ and shall be accompanied with an AS9102 FAI report (forms 1,2, & 3) indicating P/N & Revision, and conformance to all drawing requirements/ details. Inspection/ Test data on the AS9102 form shall consist of actual readings.

SPOC-14 – EVIDENCE OF SELLER INSPECTIONS AND/OR TESTS PERFORMED, such as inspection data sheets, test reports, sub tier certification of procured and/or manufactured items, or any other pertinent data shall be submitted by the Seller to the Buyer with each shipment. Raw materials purchased by the seller to fabricate parts for this Purchase Order shall be verified for specification compliance, as applicable, by means of chemical and/or physical testing or certified test reports.

SPOC-15 – ITEM IDENTIFICATION shall be provided by the seller, who shall identify each item covered by this Purchase order in accordance with the specific requirements. Seller shall mark the items, parts, components, subassemblies and/or assemblies in accordance with MIL-STD-130 or as otherwise specified in this Purchase Order or Drawing.

SPOC-16- LOT TRACEABILITY of each unit, item, part, component, or material furnished by Seller shall be identified by lot or batch, traceable to the actual manufacturing process. The lot or batch number must provide the capability for a lot or batch purge in the event of determination of a condition of discrepancy. Identification shall be per MIL-STD-130 or mutually agreed upon applicable specification.

SPOC-17 – MANUFACTURERS CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE When items covered by this Purchase Order are procured from a distributor, the distributor shall provide with each shipment a manufacturers Certification of Conformance to the requirements indicated. Certification must be signed (title included) and dated by an authorized representative of the manufacturer and shall be legible, and reproducible. The certification shall be traceable to the Purchase Order Number, Part Number & Revision (when applicable) listed on the Purchase Order, materials used, and services performed.

SPOC-18 – CUSTOMER WITNESS INSPECTION is for inspection and testing of materials manufactured or tested at Supplier’s facility. Requests for this requirement are to be submitted to the Supplier signing this PO forty-eight (48) hours prior to the required presentation.

SPOC-19 – BUYER’S SOURCE INSPECTION is required prior to shipment from seller’s facility. Seller shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of the Buyer’s Representative (BR) in the performance of his/her duties. In addition, items on this order are subject to in-process inspection as determined necessary by the Buyer. When requesting source surveillance, supplier shall call the buyer, whose name appears on the Purchase Order, at five (5) days prior to presentation of the material for inspection.

SPOC-20 – SPECIAL PROCESS CERTIFICATION shall be submitted by the Seller with each shipment of material included in this Purchase Order. Certificates shall contain the signature and title of an authorized representative of the organization performing the tests and/or processes, and the specification as applicable. The certification shall include the process(es) used such as heat treating, painting, plating, anodizing, NDT, surface preparation/treatment, plating or other coating processes, chemical processing, welding or brazing, etc. and MUST BE PERFORMED BY AN APPROVED PROCESSOR SOURCE. THE SUPPLIER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING THE TEI BUYER FOR A LIST OF APPROVED SPECIAL PROCESS SOURCES.

SPOC-21 – TRACEABILITY of parts joined in an assembly furnished by Seller shall be accompanied by an “Assembly History Log”, identifying each part in the assembly, including Buyer’s furnished items, when applicable. Fabricated parts shall be identified with serial number, heat number, and drawing and specification. Components in the assembly shall be traceable to legible and reproducible records of acceptance by part number, revision status, serial number and/or lot number from which the components were fabricated by seller, and shall accompany part they represent, to the Buyer.

SPOC-22 – ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES (ESD) shall be produced by the Seller under the requirements of MIL-STD-1686 or equivalent, “Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies, and Equipment”.

The seller shall have an ESD program, which precludes ESD damage during fabrication, testing, handling, storage and packaging.

Distributors shall handle, store, package and identify such items under an ESD program that ensures continuation of the manufacturers ESD program.

The Seller’s / Distributor shipping procedure shall conform to the following:

  • Package printed circuit board assemblies in antistatic bags.
  • Use only antistatic cushioning and wrapping materials for inner packaging.
  • Ship individual devices in antistatic containers.
  • Place a warning notice in a conspicuous location on the shipping package such as “CAUTION, Contents Subject to Damage by STATIC ELECTRICITY, Do not Open Except at Approved Static Free Work Stations”.

SPOC-23 – CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TEST REPORT shall be provided by Seller, and shall consist of validated legible and reproducible test reports that shall accompany all shipments made against each item of this Purchase Order. These reports shall indicate the percentage of each element that makes up the chemical composition and physical properties of all raw materials. The test report must specifically identify the material by reference to the number of the heat, melt, cast, drop or other similar designation and must indicate the applicable specification, revision and Purchase Order designation.

SPOC-24 – MATERIAL TEST REPORTS. One reproducible copy of the mil lot/batch and heat treat test reports, as applicable, shall accompany each shipment under this Purchase Order. Test reports shall be validated by an authorized mill representative with his/her printed name, signature and date. Test documents must include mill fabricator’s name and address and be traceable through Seller’s purchase order to the mill, and though seller’s certifications and invoices to the Buyer’s (TEI) Purchase Order.

SPOC-25 – HAZARDOUS MATERIAL (MSDS) The Supplier is required to identify material qualifying as hazardous and submit “Material Safety Data Sheets” with each shipment. Containers or cartons are to be identified as “HAZARDOUS MATERIAL”.

SPOC-26 – NONDESTRUCTIVE TEST REPORTS shall be included by Seller with each shipment of material under this Purchase Order. Test reports shall include test facility name, address. Signature and title of authorized representative of the performing organization, and the specification as applicable. The certification shall include the process used such as dye penetrant, fluorescent penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current, ultrasonic, or other.

SPOC-27 – X-RAY CERTIFICATION by a certified x-ray radiography laboratory shall be required of the seller for designated items in this Purchase Order, in accordance with applicable specifications and standards. All findings shall be contained in a report with x-ray laboratory name and address, date, the name of the film reader, and the signature and title of the authorized laboratory representative. The x-ray film and a legible, reproducible copy of the report must accompany the material. The film becomes the property of the Buyer. A control number must be assigned to each part, appear on each film, and be referenced on each report to enable cross referencing of each film with the report. The x-ray views must also be identified.

SPOC-28 – TOOLING AND EQUIPMENT OWNED BY BUYER AND USED BY SELLER is the responsibility of the Seller to protect, calibrate, maintain and care for (other than normal wear) during the period of the Seller’s possession. Upon notice, such tooling and equipment shall be subject to surveillance inspection by Buyer and be returned to Buyer in acceptable condition.

SPOC-29 – PURCHASING DOCUMENTS (MIL-I-45208A), GOVERNMENT/CONTRACTOR ACTIONS. If required by this Purchase order, promptly furnish a copy to the Government Representative that normally services your plant, or if none, to the nearest U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force or Defense supply Agency Inspection Office. In the event the representative or office cannot be located, contact the buyer signing this Purchase Order. Evidence of Government inspection must be shown on all shipping documents.

SPOC-30 – SELLER’S CONTROLLED PRODUCTS LISTING shall accompany the initial shipment under this Purchase order, consisting of legible, reproducible copies of specifications, drawings and/or catalogues, to be used by Buyer’s receiving inspection.

SPOC-31 – CONTAMINATION CONTROL is required of the Seller for items in this Purchase Order. Articles defined in this Purchase Order shall be cleaned as required by the applicable drawing and/or specifications prior to acceptance by Buyer. Cleaning and/or testing of articles shall be performed by facilities, procedures, and equipment approved by the Buyer’s Quality Assurance Representative. Each article shall be identified with the cleaning certification and identification tag attached in a prominent position not in contact with cleaned surfaces.

SPOC-32 – GOVERNMENT SOURCE INSPECTION OF DOD CONTRACTS is required prior to shipment from seller’s facility. Seller, upon receipt of this order, shall promptly notify the Government Representative (GR) normally servicing Seller’s plant; so appropriate planning for GR inspection can be accomplished. This GR shall be notified (48) hours in advance of the time articles or materials are ready for inspection or test. If no GR normally services Seller’s plant, contact the nearest U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, or Defense Supply Agency inspection office in the locality. In the event a GR or office cannot be located, contact the buyer signing the Purchase Order. Evidence of Government inspection must be shown on all shipping documents.

controlled, seller shall indemnify and hold buyer harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities and expenses resulting from sellers failure to comply with the Export Laws and Regulation of the United States


  • GOVERNMENT SOURCE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS provide the Government with the right to inspect any or all materials included in this order at the Seller’s facility.
  • SURVEILLANCE BY GOVERNMENT INSPECTION during seller’s performance of this order is authorized to review, verify and analyze Seller’s quality program or inspection system, as well as applicable manufacturing processes. Government inspection or release of product is not required unless the Seller is notified. A copy this order will be furnished to your Government representative upon request.
  • PRIME CONTRACTOR SOURCE SURVEILLANCE, including review, verification and analysis by authorized prime contractor representatives is authorized by this clause. Seller shall be notified of any such actions in advance by the Buyer.
  • CORRECTIVE ACTION investigation will be accomplished by the Seller when discrepant material is received by the Buyer. A written report will be furnished within a reasonable time which is specific and conclusive to prevent a recurrence of the discrepancy.

(E) EXPORT/IMPORT/ITAR COMPLIANCE Warning: Information furnished to seller under this purchase contract may contain data

subject to U.S. Export Laws and Regulations. Seller is advised that such data may not be exported or re-exported to foreign persons,

employed by or associated with, or under contract to seller or seller’s lower-tier suppliers, without the prior written consent of

Thermal Electronics, Inc. and under the authority of an export license or applicable license exemption. If such data is marked as

export controlled, seller shall indemnify and hold buyer harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities and expenses

resulting from seller’s failure to comply with the Export Laws and Regulations of the United States.

Form F-841-01 Rev. D
February 2018